The Act! blog

Louise, our communication officer, regularly offers you our advice and tips on how to protect the Ocean and implement concrete actions within your company. Keep up to date with the latest news on CSR and the Ocean.

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Image de la rétrospective Surfrider 2022

Retrospective 2022

1 avril 2023
Welcome to this blog ! To start you off, we offer you a retrospective on the year 2022. In 2022, we raised awareness among more t...


Deux enfants en train de collecter des déchets sur la plage

A look back on World Ocean Day in 2023

8 juin 2023
Did you know that half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean, i.e. one in two breaths? World Ocean Day reminds everyone o...


science participative - quantification Act! with Surfrider

Understanding Citizen Science during our waste collection initiatives

8 avril 2024
Surfrider is well-known for its Ocean Initiatives, those famous waste cleanups on beaches, rivers, or even in city centers throug...


personnes en paddle

World Ocean Day

8 juin 2024
A reminder of what we owe the ocean 



Retrospective 2023

11 juin 2024
Some figures on our activities this year We're delighted to report that 2023 was another successful year for the Act! with Surfri...


collecte déchets

Why is waste collection one of the most effective CSR teambuilding activities?

2 avril 2024
Discover the transformative power of waste collection in CSR teambuilding, for participants.


sea background

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