Team building

Team building in business: a lever for performance and commitment

Corporate team building represents a key strategy for strengthening ties between employees, stimulating creativity, and improving overall productivity. The main objective of these activities is to create a healthy professional atmosphere, where the well-being and development of employees are at the forefront, thus contributing to a pleasant and relaxed working environment. The success of a team building rests on several essential pillars, ranging from the careful selection of activities to the practical organization of the event.


In the current context where well-being at work has become essential, corporate team building is proving to be an essential tool for energizing and uniting teams. At Act! with Surfrider, we are committed to offering event activities that go beyond simple group activities. We offer a range of workshops, challenges and original events, specially designed to engage your teams in eco-responsible and supportive approaches. Our team building activities, ideal for livening up your company evenings or integrating into your seminar program, are personalized to reflect the values ​​and objectives of your company, while promoting a positive impact on society and the environment.


Our unique expertise in organizing events such as seminars and corporate evenings allows us to create unforgettable moments that strengthen team cohesion, while raising awareness of important causes. Whether through the creation of environmental frescoes or participation in eco-responsible DIY workshops, each event is an opportunity for your employees to develop personally and professionally, while contributing to a more sustainable future.


At Act! with Surfrider, we believe that team building is a sustainable investment, capable of transforming internal dynamics and encouraging positive change within society. Opting for our services for your next party or corporate seminar means choosing an original idea that guarantees the success of your event. We invite you to initiate this change with us, for an engaged team building experience that leaves a lasting impression and contributes to a better world.


Why is team building essential for your business?


The benefits of successful team building are many and varied. Above all, it promotes team cohesion, making it possible to refine group spirit and achieve optimal performance. This is because these activities encourage collaboration and facilitate communication between team members. Furthermore, team building offers a unique opportunity to discover or strengthen leadership qualities within teams, thus revealing unsuspected management potential and collective synergy.


The unexpected benefits of successful team building


In addition to improving internal communication and strengthening corporate culture, team building also contributes to better employee well-being. This last aspect is crucial, because a fulfilling work environment is synonymous with increased productivity. By leaving the formal office setting, team building activities allow employees to relax, innovate and re-engage with the company and its objectives. This creates not only memorable memories but also a strengthened sense of belonging.


How to succeed in your team building?


The key to effective team building lies in preparation and careful choice of activities, which must be aligned with the company's values ​​and objectives. Organizing the event outside the usual office setting is strongly recommended to encourage full participant engagement. Calling on team building professionals can greatly contribute to the success of the event, thanks to their expertise and their ability to offer tailor-made activities meeting the specific needs of each company.


It is also essential to clearly define team building objectives and choose activities that reflect the company culture. Whether through sporting, creative activities, or engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR), each choice must aim to strengthen cohesion and promote the values ​​of the organization.


Team building is therefore a strategic investment for any company wishing to improve its internal dynamics and productivity. By following these tips and focusing on planning and values ​​alignment, you can turn a simple day of activities into a powerful professional and personal development tool for your employees.


Team Building Paris

Solidarity team building: a human and collective commitment


In a professional world where social and environmental commitment takes a prominent place, solidarity team building is emerging as a powerful strategy to unite teams around common values. Solidarity activities are not limited to strengthening professional ties; they embody a vector of change, motivation and meaning for all participants.


Solidarity Action at the Heart of Team Building


Solidarity team building is distinguished by its human-centered and collective approach. By involving employees in missions of general interest, these initiatives offer a unique opportunity to concretely contribute to social or environmental causes, while experiencing unforgettable moments of sharing. The activities vary from simple volunteering actions requiring no particular skills to more specific missions where the professional skills of the participants can be used to help associations develop and structure themselves.


How Solidarity Activities Enrich Professional Relations


The benefits of supportive team building in the workplace are multiple. Firstly, it strengthens the feeling of belonging and generates a source of motivation for all employees. It also offers a continuous engagement platform, allowing employees to get involved in sponsorship, mentoring, or volunteering missions, aligned with their personal values, both during their working time and outside of it.


Examples of Solidarity Activities


The possibilities are vast and adaptable to all types of businesses, in France and abroad. Whether it is the preparation of meals for food aid beneficiaries, the collection of food products, solidarity treasure hunts or even digital escape games to fight against discrimination, each activity is designed to have a tangible positive impact on the community while promoting team spirit and cohesion​​.


Solidarity Team Building: Vector of Humanist Values


Adopting solidarity team building means choosing to place people and solidarity at the heart of the company. This goes beyond the simple organization of corporate events to become a committed act, reflecting the company's values ​​and contributing to its corporate social responsibility (CSR). Solidarity activities respond to employees' quest for meaning, generate a concrete impact through an action carried out and integrate each member of the team into collective emulation for a cause.


Solidarity and Mutual Aid as Drivers of Team Performance


The figures speak for themselves: 55% of employees consider a company's social and environmental commitment to be more important than salary. However, 73% of French employees regret that their company does not offer them concrete ways to get involved. Solidarity team building responds to this demand by offering a unique experience that leaves a lasting impression, strengthens well-being at work and aligns the company's actions with its fundamental values.


Solidarity team building is therefore much more than just a day of activities. It is a deeply humanist approach which is part of a long-term vision, aiming to strengthen internal cohesion while acting positively on the outside world.


Team Building Campagne


Eco-responsible team building: Events serving the planet


Eco-responsible commitment to team building activities is not only a trend, it is a necessity. Today, companies are increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and are looking for ways to minimize it, while strengthening cohesion and team spirit. Eco-responsible team building activities offer a unique opportunity to combine sustainable development and team building.


The Importance of Eco-responsibility in Team Building Activities


Eco-responsibility in team building activities highlights the importance of integrating sustainable practices into corporate events. This can range from reducing waste and using recyclable materials to organizing activities that directly contribute to protecting the environment, such as planting trees or cleaning beaches. These initiatives not only raise participants' awareness of environmental issues, but also reinforce their feeling of belonging to a company concerned about its ecological impact.


Eco-responsible Activities: From Theory to Practice


Moving from theory to practice in terms of eco-responsibility means implementing concrete activities that have a positive impact on the environment. This can include workshops for manufacturing reusable products, waste reduction challenges, or even biodiversity awareness initiatives. These activities not only encourage employees to adopt more sustainable behaviors at work, but also in their daily lives, thus contributing to collective awareness.


Positive Impact on the Environment and Collective Awareness


The ultimate goal of eco-responsible team building activities is to generate a positive impact on the environment while promoting collective awareness among participants. Each activity must be designed to leave a minimal ecological footprint while maximizing environmental benefits. This can mean simple but meaningful actions, like using reusable water bottles instead of plastic bottles, or more engaged activities like participating in conservation projects.


Team Building and CSR: Aligning Corporate Values ​​with Action


Integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles into team building activities means aligning the company's values ​​with its actions. This means choosing activities that not only build team spirit, but are also in line with the company's sustainability goals. This can be achieved by collaborating with local associations committed to environmental protection or by organizing events that promote ecological awareness and education.


How to Integrate CSR Principles into Team Building Activities


To effectively integrate CSR principles into team building activities, companies must first identify their sustainability goals and look for ways to incorporate them into event planning and execution. This may include selecting suppliers and partners who share the same ecological values, or incorporating educational elements about sustainability into team building activities.


Practical Cases: Environmental Frescoes, Eco-responsible DIY Workshops


Practical cases of eco-responsible team building activities are numerous and varied. Environmental murals, for example, allow participants to express themselves creatively while reflecting on ecological issues. Eco-responsible DIY workshops, meanwhile, offer an opportunity to learn how to create sustainable products, thereby reducing dependence on packaged or plastic products.


Eco-responsible team building activities therefore represent an excellent way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development, while strengthening links between employees. By aligning corporate values ​​with concrete actions, companies can significantly contribute to protecting the environment, while providing their employees with an enriching and memorable experience.


Team Building Plage


Team building activities for companies from Act! with Surfrider


At Act! with Surfrider, we are convinced that team building must go beyond simple team building. This is a unique opportunity for us, as an organization, to share our ecological and social values ​​with corporate partners, while providing meaningful and impactful team building experiences.


Why Choose Us for Your Engaged Team Building?


Expertise and customization

Drawing on our expertise in organizing eco-responsible events, we offer unprecedented customization of our team building activities. We understand that every business has its own goals and values. This is why we work hand in hand with our clients to design activities that not only build team spirit, but also promote strong environmental and social commitment.


How to Organize a Team Building with Us?


Our collaboration process

From design to completion, collaborating with us for your team building is a fluid and personalized process. We start by understanding your specific needs, then we offer you a range of tailor-made activities. Our goal is to make each team building a unique event that reflects your company's values ​​and inspires your teams.


Success through commitment

Our team building activities are designed to have a positive impact not only on participants, but also on society and the environment. By participating in our events, your company actively contributes to important causes, thus strengthening its CSR commitment and brand image.


Building Team Spirit Through Meaningful Activities


Team building as a development tool

Our activities are not limited to building team spirit; they also aim to develop the personal and professional skills of participants. By tackling significant challenges together, your teams improve their communication, collaboration and leadership skills, while raising awareness of crucial social and environmental issues.


Creation of a stimulating work environment

We believe in creating a work environment where every team member feels valued and engaged. Our team building activities encourage innovation, creativity and a deep commitment to causes bigger than oneself, contributing to a dynamic and inclusive company culture.


A Sustainable Investment


Choose Act! with Surfrider for your team building means investing in the future of your company, your employees and our planet. Our activities are not just one-day events; they are transformative experiences that reinforce your company values, improve the well-being of your employees and contribute to a better world.

Choose Act! with Surfrider for your engaged team building is living an experience that goes beyond team building – an experience that inspires change and embodies your corporate values.

Together, let's make a difference.

Solidarity team building
Solidarity team building
Eco-responsible team building
Eco-responsible team building
CSR team building
CSR team building
sea background

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