8 mai 2023

The impact of our activities in 2022

Our news

For the second year in a row, we have carried out an impact measurement for our activities carried out in 2022 within Act! (formerly called the JSE). Thanks to two questionnaires sent to participants (more information on our methodology in our blog article on impact measurement 2021), we can determine whether Corporate Awareness Activities have a real impact on participants activities.

Our social mission

“Impel change of behavior
home and office, for each employee
business, by informing them problems environmental, in making them aware of their civic responsibility and equipping them to act »


Of the 2 955 participants surveyed in 2022, we received 514 responses, either a response rate of 17.5%. If you ever do an activity with us, consider responding to our surveys, your help is valuable to us in improving!

How do participants evaluate the JSE?

Infographie 2022 EN

Read the full report 2022 (french)

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