1 avril 2023

Retrospective 2022

Our news

Welcome to this blog ! To start you off, we offer you a retrospective on the year 2022.

In 2022, we raised awareness among more than 8,000 employees, double the number of the previous year ! This is our biggest win : making maximum impact with a large number of people.

Some key figures for 2022

En Nb Pers

We carried out activities with 68 different companies, 12 of which are committed to a long term partnership with Surfrider Foundation. A big thank you to them for their support : La MAIF, Biotherm, Bouygues Telecom, EPSA, Reef, Sogeti, Quadient, Axa Atout Cœur, RTE, Ennolys, Jules et Sellsy. Out of the 86 waste collections we organized with companies in 2022, we recovered more than 3000 liters of waste and traveled more than 163 km on foot or by kayak ! The top 10 wastes reveal the biggest polluters of our coasts : not surprisingly, first the cigarette butts.

En Temps Forts

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