28 décembre 2022

Do our activities really have an impact? (Impact survey 2021)

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Why do impact measurement in an association?

Surfrider Foundation is a reference NGO on the protection of the ocean. For several years now, the association has decided to put impact measurement at the heart of its projects, in order to evaluate the relevance of projects and the impacts - positive or not - that they can have on the populations and the environment.
We have begun the work of impact measurement at the scale of the Act with Surfrider project, in 2021. For this, we collaborated with the agency Improve, specialized in impact measurement methodologies. Improve accompanied us for more than a year to train us and guide us on the analysis and writing of the report.

How did our impact survey take place?

The question that guided us was:
Do the Corporate Awareness Activities have a real impact on the participants of the activities?

In particular, on their change about consumption habits, their associative commitments, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences with their relatives following the activity.

To do this, we set up a two-step methodology:

Results of the impact on employees participating in our activities

Find our main results here :

Infographie Mesure D'impact 20212

The activity with Surfrider has allowed :

After the activity, 89% intend or want to change some of their consumption habits to move towards a "zero waste" approach. One month after the activity, 62% of the respondents declare having changed their consumption habits.

Moreover, 75% of participants in Surfrider activities tell their friends and family about the activity they did with Surfrider, and 88% share their new knowledge with their friends and family.


This impact study allows us to confirm the positive impact that these company days have on the behavioral habits of the participants. They serve as a lever for awareness and action towards a more ecological lifestyle.

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