8 juin 2023

A look back on World Ocean Day in 2023

Our news

Did you know that half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean, i.e. one in two breaths? World Ocean Day reminds everyone of the essential role of this vast blue expanse in our livelihood.

This day is an initiative launched in 1992 at the end of the Rio summit and which aims to make each June 8 an opportunity to raise public awareness of better management of the ocean and its resources.

The opportunity to raise awareness among employees of several companies.

This year June 8 was another busy day for our Act! team. 12 simultaneous waste collections, with 4 different companies.

We carried out 8 waste collections on the coast of Brittany, alongside Banque Populaire Grand Ouest, our new partner, a great opportunity to celebrate this new collaboration. The Breton weather did not spare us and we found ourselves in the rain almost everywhere! The opportunity to demonstrate our unfailing expertise and the adaptability of our facilitators in all circumstances. Some have managed to take shelter under a tarpaulin to complete the quantification and awareness, where others have completed the activity in the classrooms. Indeed, BPGO had invited primary school classes to take part in the experiment on some of its collections, a very good idea because children are the generation of tomorrow and it is essential that they are made aware of environmental issues from their earliest years. 

At the same time, we also organized other waste collections in France, which were luckier with the weather :

A total of X animators were mobilized to supervise these collections & contribute to this beautiful day.

Result of this beautiful committed day :

Congratulations to all for your great commitment. And don't forget, throwing on the ground is throwing in the sea!

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