For the second year running, we have calculated the carbon footprint of our team and entertainers for the activities we organize with companies.
As a result, we now know exactly which of our emissions are the highest. The aim? To know where to focus our reduction targets. We'll be able to work on reducing our emissions, and carry out regular carbon audits to monitor the results of our efforts.
Presentation of Carbo, the entity piloting the approach
We have chosen to be supported in this process by a recognized player, Carbo. Carbo specializes in carbon calculations. It offers a platform and service for measuring and monitoring carbon footprints for companies, and has already carried out over a hundred carbon footprints. The calculator was designed in close collaboration and validated by their in-house experts. All customers' carbon footprints are reviewed by their 3 in-house Bilan Carbone® experts, certified by the Bilan Carbone Association.
Bilan Carbone® method, developed by the Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME) (French Environment and Energy Management Agency): This method accounts for the GHG emissions of all an organization's activities, identifying those activities that emit the most GHGs afin order to initiate changes with a view to continuous improvement and emissions reduction.
Act has collected its activity data, and employees have answered a questionnaire on their eating and travel habits. This data is fed into the Carbo platform, which converts it into CO2e (CO2 equivalent which includes all greenhouse gases).
For example :
Act with Surfrider emitted around 23 tonnes of C02e for the year 2023 for all its activities, i.e. :
A more detailed analysis of our emissions can be found in our 2023 annual report.